Moving with Ease

Moving in Transition

Top 3 Life Hacks

Managing Stress during Transition

Moving from one home to another is exciting. Nonetheless, it can also be stressful because of the number of changes that take place during this time. This is why it’s important to adopt practical and creative ways to navigate through this transition, however big or small, in order in order to ease the stress and turn the moving experience into a positive one. We’ve done our research and narrowed it down to the best 3 life hacks to help you manage the stress of moving and transition and have a little fun at the same time.

Moving with Clarity

Change is challenging. The inherent stress of transition, along with all the practical details surrounding a move is bound to affect a person, both mentally and physically. In fact, research has shown that moving is one of the top stressors (right up there with illness and loss). Therefore, a clear mind helps us handle anything that is taking place in the present. It also helps us look forward to the future, by maintaining a positive mindset and helps to release the past.
“Once you are clear and honest with yourself, you are working with what is” says Jasmyne DesBiens, coach and host of the podcast Dream it, Dare it, Do it. Live the Life you Want. Clarity breeds simplicity.

Coach Jasmyne says, “We think that we need to be someone other than ourselves to deal with transition. In fact, you already have everything you need. The difficulty comes from thinking that you should be doing what others do. When you understand that you are you and not someone else, you can look out there and see what is being done by others. Then, use only what works for you. Grace and ease then come naturally.” She suggests listening from the inside to get your mind clear and stay focused. Whether it’s coaching, meditation, prayer, or long hikes stay in the moment and make sure your mind is clear.

She says a sure indication that you are listening to your true desires is the feeling you get. You will just know without having to put reasoning to it. Moving is a process that involves mixed emotions. It marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Accept it all. Don’t deny anything.

Organizing your Move

Are you buying or selling your home? Are you helping a senior with a move, dealing with a necessary move due to disability, or downsizing to a home that’s more suitable to your current needs? There are so many reasons why people move. Rightsizing your home is important because it is intended to create comfort and flow in the future. This is why research is so important. After you have clarified your needs, it is essential to get organized and do your research. By having a clear idea of what you want and what you don’t want, you can move forward with greater peace of mind.

According to coach Jasmyne, “Once you’ve done your research, trust that you have made informed decisions. Trust your feeling.” More importantly, when you have consulted the best real estate agent and have communicated your needs you can place all your trust in them to find the right fit for you. They will ensure that the right home that suits all your needs will be found, and it will be your dream home!

Instead of feeling like the unknown is a “bad” thing, consider this: the unknown is where all possibilities lie.

Stay informed about everything you have to look forward to and know that you can deal with anything that comes your way. In the meantime, have fun. For example, test out the best route to travel to work or get to your friends and family. Look for the closest grocery stores and discover restaurants in the area. Look for schools, malls, parks, and other places of interest. Most of all look forward to new adventures.

Moving Power Team

Children and adults, all feel the effects of moving in their own way. This is why it’s important to accept help and support from those around you. Essentially, creating a team of experts, friends, and family will prove to be an invaluable resource. This will be called your power team.

Your power team can consist of a moving company, staging expert, painters, cleaning crew, or organizers. It also consists of your legal advisors, financial experts, and insurance specialists. The experts in elder care, home services, and personal care are available to make this experience the best and most memorable one of your life.

It is inevitable that moving will carry some stress. Your routine is disrupted and you may experience a temporary feeling of uncertainty. On one hand, there’s the emotional stress of facing the unknown and trusting that you have made the right decision. And, on the other hand, there’s the physical stress that comes from packing, sorting, organizing, and cleaning. This can be overwhelming. During this time, Coach Jasmyne recommends that it is very important to “stay in the present moment. Ask yourself: Is what I am thinking right now actually happening? Or am I projecting myself into a possible future?” Staying grounded and present relieves pressure and calms our racing thoughts. She emphasizes, “Bring yourself back to the present. The past is over and the future doesn’t exist yet. So how could you know how to deal with something that hasn’t happened yet?”

During times of transition, it is imperative to keep perspective and focus on what is going on at the moment. By accepting the situation you are in at the moment, you begin to welcome the inspiring thoughts about your new “home” with feelings of safety, warmth, and security. Your realtor will assure you that, whether you are downsizing, rightsizing, or moving to something more luxurious, their expertise and industry knowledge will guide you throughout the whole process.

Moving in Transition

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